Thursday, June 10, 2010

A start with shots

Whew! long time no see~
Sorry for this late post. Gomen nasai~
the thing is .. things have been so busy (lazy) around me that I couldn't gather any spirit to write about anything, I may have lost the knack for writing. If I had one in the first place

If I divided the short film into parts/scenes they form three main parts, the intro, the waiting, the climax and the conclusion, of all of them, the most difficult part (according to me) was the one which has the essence or climax of the story. Starting with the principle of starting with the ''difficultiest'' and saving tasty bits later on.. I started on with it.

Shot# Norman is going away after he looses any hope of getting any call.
the phone rings and he makes a dash for it.

straight ahead :)


Nilabh said...

Looking cool. Waiting to see more more. The run is a bit slower I think according to the kind of Anticipation.
Keep it up!!

Mitali P said...

wow! you are perfectly right!
I am shifting stuff in dope sheet..

Harish k said...

wow saw ur animatics :)
it will really turn out good in the end...story line is really good :)

n ur approach is nice

*To ur animation

*the Anticipation is not working i think u need a different action to go around that part..

*sometime ur Anticipation can look really high n ur following action can be small to make it look funny.
but do it if it suits ur story line..

shot is great n ur story line is different
Would love to see it finished :)

Harish k