Sunday, January 24, 2010

3D animation:The Indian scenario.

Just when everyone in the 3D industry is looking with hopeful eyes towards the infinite sky of animation, are we forgetting the actual way common people are reacting towards 3D?

The reason that I write today is one of my friends in the 3D circle happened to present a paper... he choose the subject which was ''The use of 3D in the field of technical education'' which according to me was a brilliant choice.. it has many possiblities...So, as he began with the presentation and throught it, he presented various rendered slide shows on how 3D can be applied... not much to my surprise the judges didn't get anything that he wanted to say, and questioned back to him if he was endorsing the 3D softwares! what the heck! don't these guys want to rise to the levels of what other nations are doing?

The Indian common public are not open to new options, I am suspicious if the Indian youth is intelligent at all, I mean everyone can be like Chatur/Venkat.. but who dares to be like Rancho/Ryan? And you know what I'm talking about...
I can imagine this judges being grumpy and playing with his marks on the presentation that he had spent so many sleepless nights on ...

Here's the link to the orignal paper
presented by Arindam Bhattacharya


Mahesh said...

I think its changing though ,

Actually in my college i had given the seminar on Special Effects (SFX)

the algorithms of anti-aliasing, rendering , particles and how they create explosions ,virtual human , mocap and all

it was hard for all to get though ..

Still i think the view is changing cause when the AVATAR is over in theater .. me and my cousin we always read the title after the movie and it was interesting to found that almost 60 percent of crowd was doing the same ..

i felt really cool .. :)

Mitali P said...

Yeah it is really cool, otherwise.. we and my team were the only ones left in the theater reading Pixar credits...

Arindam Bhattacharya said...

Well Cloud,your situation is a bit different..You presented the info regarding SFX,people always take that.However complex the theories or algos may be,people always take them.Whether they understand them or not,bt they never ridicule you on any info u giv them...coz the info really exists,u cn read them in books,journals or wikipedia,anywhere u like.....
Whats pathetic is the way they ridicule and reject new ideas.My presentation ws nt regarding giving info about 3d,bt to show that it how it could be used to simplify and improve the quality of tech. education in India.It was a new idea,and they just cant accept the change.If at least a single person had given a serious thought to the topic,they would have realised how revolutionary this idea it would have changed the quality of tech. education in india forever.....Bt no..they are just too busy reading the papers that gave copy-paste info from wikipedia about "wii-fii","bluetooth","web security" all.....I doubt if the pathetic quality of tech. education of our country will ever improve if the educators continue to carry on their nvr-changing mind fucking attitude.....God Help Indian Engineers....Amen!!!

Mitali P said...

God help all those Chaturs out there!

Mahesh said...

@Arry B

I know you are kind a upset or may be more ..

You have done great thing to come with such topic ..

For my seminar i told initially , that "i'm using the reference of Software Maya as communication medium between me and you , there are different softwares like ....etc and my intention is to show you these (specific) things they can do using computers and you should not concentrate on Software but the concept .. you can refer it to any software you need and the concept is still the same "..

i know you tried your best , just wanted to share some thoughts , i was told that my topic is cliche' and i cant take it , finally i proved the point it wasnt cliche' at all only the name not the way i was approaching for concept .. :)